Authentic human stories for our digital world

Directing work

My job as director and editor here was to keep PG&E honest about regaining its customer's trust and keeping California safe during wildfire season. How do we plan for even more of these disasters?
Directed this "Thank you" video for Chuck Feeney, who donated $1B to UCSF. Shot by the indefatigable Noah Stout. Got to meet some amazing doctors and researchers who showed me the impact of the six different buildings Chuck has been able to build with UCSF.

NCB “You Are What You Bank” - Directed this web spot for First Person, Shot by the ever-resourceful John Kiffmeyer

CISCO “St. Vrain Valley” - Directed a three-video series of customer stories for Cisco with First Person

Intel Core 2 Duo "Cafe" Banner - Here's one of my favorites in a 30-spot campaign I directed for Intel Core 2 Duo. Can't do better casting than Justin Lamb and Larissa Kasian...​

Leapfrog "Get Connected" - Had a blast making this corporate-culture doc for the folks at Leapfrog...

Baby Oil - Perhaps the specialest moment from my first short film... all hail the acting of Phil Stockton

Creativity in Action - I'm proud of how well this little doc captures the spirit and goals of our filmmaking workshops for kids: Inspiration & Expression thru Play